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Washed up, small town, TV talk show host, Wally Wannabe, plans to change how our nation elects its president. Forget the entrenched politicians and the half-crazy outsiders. Why not tap into our nation’s vast resources and find the best candidate for the job? And why not do so using one of our favorite pastimes—a reality TV show? 

Gainesville, Florida is the testing ground. Eight contestants face off in a series of speeches, debates, and public appearances. As the field narrows, the town bristles with excitement, and plans to take the competition to the national level quickly fall into place.

But the road to the White House is a winding maze. Wally and his co-host, Manny Thymes, battle the likes of The Gang of Eight, the richest men in the world. Ruthless and calculating, with their own political agenda, The Gang stops at nothing to have their way.

For Wally, success is not guaranteed, but a single step starts a crusade. As the journey unfolds the question will be: This is no way to elect a president, or is it?

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Frisbee Ball Rules

Nestled amid the humiliating demise of an unpopular war and the scandalous resignation of a once-powerful president is a snippet of time often overlooked and misunderstood. It could be argued, nonetheless, that one will discover, hidden inside this intriguing snapshot, the most profound evolutionary transformation in our country's history.

Born through the embarrassment of a lost war, and empowered by the student riots that facilitated its conclusion, came an emboldened generation like none before it. For this rebellious alliance, it was a time of rebirth and newfound freedoms. If the establishment had been wrong about the war, what else could it have been wrong about? Possibly everything!

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